1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer") is a public offer and defines the terms of use of the "Get Your Guidebook" service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), located on the website

1.2. The service is owned by the enterprise PE Panurov Yurii Viktorovich, IBAN UA263052990000026009016814671, TIN 2968416517. Ukraine, 71611, Zaporizhzhia Region, Vasylivskyi District, Stepnogorsk, Sukhoivanovskaya Street, Building 9. JSC CB "Privatbank" MFO 305299

1.3. The Service provides the opportunity to create personalized guides based on the user's responses to a series of questions, but no more than 10. The guides include recommendations for places to visit, restaurants, cultural events, and unique activities.

1.4. The Offer becomes effective from the moment of its publication on the website. Using the Service implies acceptance of the terms of this Offer.

1.5. Continuing to use the Service by the user means accepting the Offer and any changes made to this Offer. The user is personally responsible for checking this agreement for changes.

2. Terms of Service Usage

2.1. The Service is intended for creating personalized guides at a price of $10 per guide. Payment is made through the LiqPay system.

2.2. No authorization is required to use the Service. The Service temporarily stores the user's email to send the guide and the payment receipt. After the session ends, the email is stored on the server temporarily for administrative purposes.

2.3. The Service does not collect or store user data, except for the email for the mentioned purposes.

2.4. The Service is protected by copyright, trademark law, and other intellectual property rights, as well as unfair competition law.

3. Description of Provided Services

3.1. The Service provides the following services:

  • Creation of personalized guides based on entered data.
  • Recommendations for visiting tourist places, restaurants, cultural events, and unique activities.
  • Delivery of the finished guide to the user's email.

3.2. The guides are created based on artificial intelligence algorithms and can be used for travel planning.

4. Payment Procedure

4.1. Payment for the service is made through the LiqPay system. The cost of one guide is $10.

4.2. The user must make the payment before receiving the guide. If there are any questions regarding payment, the user should contact support through the contact form on the website.

5. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

5.1. The user undertakes to:

  • Use the Service in accordance with the terms of this Offer.
  • Provide accurate information when using the Service.
  • Not perform actions that may harm the Service or third parties.

5.2. The Service Administration has the right to:

  • Make changes to this Offer without prior notice to the user.
  • Restrict access to the Service in case of violation of the terms of this Offer by the user.

6. Liability

6.1. The Service Administration is not responsible for:

  • Incorrect use or inability to use the Service for reasons beyond the Administration's control.
  • Delays or malfunctions in the Service caused by technical problems or force majeure.

6.2. The user is responsible for providing accurate information and using the Service in accordance with the terms of this Offer.

6.3. The user is prohibited from:

  • Using any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices, or equivalent manual processes to access, acquire, copy, or track the content of the Service;
  • Disrupting the proper functioning of the site;
  • Bypassing the navigation structure of the Service to obtain or attempt to obtain any information, documents, or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of this site;
  • Unauthorized access to the functions of the site, any other systems, or networks related to this Service, as well as any services offered on the Service.

7. Dispute Resolution Procedure

7.1. All disputes arising in connection with the use of the Service are resolved in accordance with the legislation of the country where the Service Administration is registered.

8. Final Provisions

8.1. This Offer is a public offer in accordance with current legislation. Continuing to use the Service after the publication of this Offer means accepting its terms by the user.

8.2. The Service Administration reserves the right to make changes to this Offer without prior notice to the user. Changes take effect from the moment they are published on the website.
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